We are so excited to announce that we have our very own App! The Spark Fitness App. Making this investment in our members was super easy to do.
Watch the video above to see it in live action and… of course…
Here are 4 Ways Having Our Own App is AWESOME:
- We have gone from several apps to just 1! This allows for a much easier and more seamless experience for all of our personal training clients, remote clients, and group session clients. Prior to The Spark Fitness App – we had to use 3 or sometimes 4 different apps – and that was a pain, but no more!
- We have superior work out tracking! This has been a tremendous time investment – but it is one that is already paying off. We are able to build out awesome workouts, with tons of detail, and videos that make understanding what you are doing very easy. This is the case across the board – group, personal training, or remote!
- An even better community! Prior to this, personal training or remote clients had to use different programs, and despite being at the same gym or doing the same program, weren’t as integrated as the group. This solves this by having one cohesive place for everyone to go.
- We can more easily deliver high quality information. We are now able to build a giant, cohesive body of knowledge on YouTube, and seamlessly bring this information to our members in 1 easy to manage place, the app!
We are never going to stop investing in our gym and our members. This is one small way we are continuing to improve to provide the best experience possible.
If you want to get strong and lose body fat… you know what to do! Book a consultation!
Coach Connor
Find me on instagram @connorgreen3000 and the gym @sparkfitnessla
Find me on YouTube here @connorgreen3000 and the gym here @sparkfitnessla