As a gym owner, this is something I’ve had to ask myself. Generally, on a culture level, we “trust the experts”.
It just makes sense, right?
If you’re very sick, you see a doctor.
If you have a business, you get an accountant.
If you’re going on trial, you hire a lawyer.
If you’re building a house, you hire a contractor that specializes in building houses.
If you’re child needs help with Chinese, you hire a Chinese tutor.
If you’re building a software, you hire a software engineer.
If you need a new engine, you go to a mechanic.
If you want to lose weight, you go to google, read a bunch of nonsense, and then with zero experience go do dangerous movements in an open gym with zero help.
We’re trying to change that. If you want to lose weight, get strong, get out of pain – whatever your health and fitness goals are, you should hire an expert.
I don’t mean to toot our horns, but we’re experts. This is literally our whole life.
Think about this.
As of the writing of this blog post, I’ve been training people for 17 years, and full time + for 8. If me and my team don’t get people results, I go bankrupt, lose everything, and end up homeless. I wouldn’t just lose my job and have to get another one. I would literally lose everything.
Let’s do some math. We won’t even count the 9 years I was coaching people part-time. I have been working on getting people amazing results for (conservatively) 50 hours per week for (52 weeks x 8 years)… that is 20,800 hours. And that doesn’t even count the 9 years it was my obsession but not my full time job. I have been obsessed with getting people results for over 30,000 hours. 3x the amount of time it takes to become an “expert” – the 10,000 hours rule.
And people will still come to the gym and not want to take my advice because they spent 30 mins on YouTube.
People will still not want to pay for coaching because “they can just google things”.
If I was an electrician, and you needed electrical work done. If I had 30,000 paid hours of electrical work under my belt, and you had 30 YouTube minutes… would you take my advice and/or hire me? Or go to heavy deadlifts and hurt yourself because you don’t know anything?
You’d hire the electrician, unless you wanted a nightmare on your hand. Best case scenario you would get the work done but it would take you 100x longer, and be MUCH more expensive than hiring a pro. Worst case scenario your wiring would burn your house down.
Ironically, the stakes are exactly the same with health and fitness. You go into things alone and in 6 years, after making all the mistakes possible, you accomplish your goals. Along the way, you spent $50/month for 72 months – $3,600 on a cheap gym. But you did it.
OR you can spend that same $3,600 and get the same results in 1 year working with me or a member of my team, make zero mistakes, and then enjoy that fitness for the remaining 5 years instead of trying to get things right.
I wouldn’t be surprised if you could get more than 6 years results in less than a year working with us. I can say from my own personal experience if I was going to build my current physique from scratch, instead of taking 20 years of training, I could do it in 3. This is because I would know EXACTLY what to do and when and I wouldn’t make a single mistake along the way.
And that 17 years of me making every single imaginable mistake is the experience that you pay for when you come to our gym.
I have had the luxury of being able to spend over 50 hours per week in the gym learning for years. If you work a full time job, how much time can you spend making mistakes and learning the right way to eat and squat? A couple hours per week?
At that rate, it would take 40 or 50 or 60+ years to gain the experience we have as a gym staff, and by then, you might not be alive anymore, let alone able to reap the benefits of that experience.
Would you rather part with a few $1000 dollars and get fit quickly and enjoy that fitness for 50 years, or spend 50 years never quite figuring it out?
Seems like a no brainer to me!
Coach Connor
Find me on instagram @connorgreen3000 and the gym @sparkfitnessla
Find me on YouTube here @connorgreen3000 and the gym here @sparkfitnessla