6 Benefits of Personal Training Over Classes

You might be wondering, is personal training worth it? Or should I do large group classes? Well, as you make your decision here are 6 reasons why personal training is worth the additional investment!

  1. Individualization.
    • Personal training allows for the highest degree of customization possible when you training. A great trainer writes you a program that is custom fit to you, but then also knows exactly how to change that program from day to day, or even intra-session to ensure you’re getting the best results. There might be some degree of customizing within the context of a large group class, but it’s not going to be anywhere near what it is in personal training.
  2. Accountability.
    • The number 1 reason people aren’t in better shape, healthier, exercising – overall making good choices for their long term selves isn’t knowledge. You might not be an expert, but you know you need to eat more protein, drink more water, eat more fruits, lift some weights, and get in some cardio 2-4x/week. Everyone does. The problem is people just don’t do it because they don’t have someone to hold them accountable – they prioritize other things that they are accountable to. Like their boss, for example. A personal trainer is sort of like your workout boss – they ensure that you actually stick to the program… and it can add more than 10+ happy years to your life!
  3. Time Saving.
    • When you have more customization to you, workouts just don’t take as long. It might take a large group class 1 hour to get through the same workout that you can get through in personal training in 30 mins. In this way, paying for a personal trainer is like buying that your time.
  4. Faster Results.
    • What happens with more accountability and more customization for you? Well, you get results faster. It happens this way with everyone, every time. What we see is people achieve their desired result from 25-200% (or more!) faster than they do in a large group class type setting.
  5. More Flexibility.
    • Large group class type offerings need to have just a few set times in order to be successful and sustainable. You can’t move that class 30 mins because you have to stay late, or your kid is sick. You’re stuck to that time. This makes it harder to stay on track and accountable, and less convenient and as a result you’re less likely to stick with it. Personal training is significantly more customizable to your schedule.
  6. Better Coach/Client Relationship.
    • This goes without saying, but is worth saying – personal training is much more personal, in a positive way. The coach gets to know you and you get to know the coach much better than you would in a large group class type setting. This really enriches the experience for both people involved, but also helps lead to better results: you’re much less likely to let someone down when you actually know them and care about them.

If you are looking for a personal trainer in the North Hollywood, San Fernando Valley, or Los Angeles area, then look no further!

Coach Connor

Book a Free Consultation Here

Find me on instagram @connorgreen3000 and the gym @sparkfitnessla

Find me on YouTube here @connorgreen3000 and the gym here @sparkfitnessla

About the Author

Connor, owner of Spark Fitness, has been helping average people get strong, lose weight, and feel better for almost 2 decades. Unlike most in the industry, he really struggled on his journey for many years – making every single mistake imaginable – so now, you don’t have to. You can find him on Instagram/YouTube @connorgreen3000.

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