What is Strength Training? 2.0

Last week, I wrote a simple FAQ about Strength Training. You can read it here. I want to make things as simple and easy to understand as possible – instead of complex and confusion.

We got such a nice reaction that we decided to expand what we wrote to include some more common questions. Enjoy.

Does strength training build muscle?

It is the only way to build muscle.

Will strength training make me toned?

It is the only way to increase tone.

Will strength training make me bigger?

It will make men bigger everywhere, and it makes women slightly bigger in flattering areas, and executes positive features and minimizes unflattering features. (Don’t be scared – do you think you can grow bigger glutes… without getting bigger?)

Is strength training safe?

It is one of the safest forms of physical activity. Soccer is SIGNIFICANTLY more dangerous.

Will strength training make me sore?

The first few times you do it, it can make you pretty sore. If you haven’t done something specifically in a while, it can make you pretty sore. After that, it should only ever be light soreness.

How many times a week should I strength train?

3x/week is the ideal for over 90% of people. Most people get worse results on 4+. (Imagine… working harder for less results… sad but it happens all the time.)

How long should a strength training workout be?

95% of people need 30-60 mins.

How often should I repeat the same exericses?

As often as possible. You cannot get good at what you don’t do frequently.

How many sets/reps should I do?

On the main lifts – 3×5. Deadlifts frequently just 1 set of 5. Accessory movements have a larger range of 2-5 sets of 5-15 reps depending on program design.

How many minutes should I rest?

Ideally, you rest until you are fully recovered, even if that takes 5+ minutes.

How should I warm up to strength train?

It doesn’t take nearly as long to warm up as most people think. A basic full body warm up (2-4 mins), followed by unweighted/light reps of the movement you are performing prior to lifting heavy is all that is necessary.

Can I strength train at home?

It is possible – but difficult. You need the proper equipment, program, dedication, and technique to do it effectively and safely.

Does strength training help with fat loss?

It is a crucial component to fat loss.

What equipment do I need to strength train?

Bare minimum: You need a power rack, barbell, plates, and a bench.

Should I combine strength training and cardio?

You should keep them as far a part as possible. Anyone that has ever been strong will tell you that heavy ass squats give you plenty of cardio. If you need “more” cardio, walk.

Is it bad to gain weight when I’m strength training?

It is a good thing. You are not really strength training if you don’t put on some weight. Muscle has physical mass since it exists in reality, right? And putting on muscle is a good thing, right? (trick questions!)

Do women get bulky from strength training?

No, they do not. They can if they really want to – prepping and eating 4-6 meals per day, training 2-3 hours + per day, training 5-7 days per week, taking steroids, sleeping 9-10 hours/night, etc. Basically, yes if you have total dedication. 99.99% of people cannot begin to imagine the work it takes.

Can strength training help with posture or back pain?

It always helps with posture and back pain. I’ve seen 100s of clients come to the gym with back pain, and leave without it. A strong back is a significantly more pain free back than a weak one.

How do I know when I’m strong?

You know when you compare yourself to a person who doesn’t strength train – ie your past self. There are other good benchmarks that we will write about another time.

How strong should I get?

All men, regardless of age, weight, height, etc should shoot for 135lb press, 225lb bench, 315lb squat, and 405 deadlifts as starting places. (Yes, the 5ft 4in 65 year old who is just starting should be shooting for this as a baseline as well).

All women, regardless of age, weight height, etc should shoot for an 80lb press, 105lb bench press, 205lb squat, and 250lb deadlift. (Yes, the 5ft 4in 65 year old who is just starting should be shooting for this as a baseline as well).

There are other baselines – both lighter, and heavier than what I listed – but this is the most streamlined, straightforward way to set your sights on what you can accomplish.

How important is strength training?

Strength training is the most important type of training you can do. Physical strength is the most important thing you can develop. Strength is the method through which we exist. You can get out of bed without ever running a single time in your life. But you cannot get out of bed if you are not strong enough.

Want to get strong? We are a personal training gym in North Hollywood, California. We have remote coaching options as well.

My name is Connor Green and I own Spark Fitness. We help people get really strong and lose body fat. This stuff can be so simple if you let it be. If you are tired of things being so complicated, click here to book a Free Consultation with me!

Coach Connor

Book a Free Consultation Here

Find me on instagram @connorgreen3000 and the gym @sparkfitnessla

Find me on YouTube here @connorgreen3000 and the gym here @sparkfitnessla

About the Author

Connor, owner of Spark Fitness, has been helping average people get strong, lose weight, and feel better for almost 2 decades. Unlike most in the industry, he really struggled on his journey for many years – making every single mistake imaginable – so now, you don’t have to. You can find him on Instagram/YouTube @connorgreen3000.

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