Strength Training as we Age: Personal Training for Men 50+ Volume 2

This is a continuation of our last article about strength training for men 50+. You can catch up on that one here. In this quick article we’re going to detail a couple proven strategies for continuing to get strong after 50, and after the standard Novice Linear Progression stops working.

Novice Linear Progression

Quick review – the Novice Linear Progression or NLP is a fancy way of saying that when you’re a beginning, the best and fastest way to get strong is just to add 5lbs to each lift every time you train. This works for 6-18 months. Typical results would be to take an average man from a 0lb squat to 300lbs in 6-9 months doing this. (Emphasis on typical – if you don’t have a proper program and guidance, this would seem crazy. But doing an appropriately designed strength program yields results like this all the time.) Everyone at Spark Fitness does this to start – regardless of age. But, what do we do after the NLP? Well, that’s where age can dictate what we do next to continue getting stronger.

Post Novice Linear Progression at 50+

We take a personalized approach to every client, so this is not an exact formula, but good guidelines instead. Let’s say someone has run out their NLP – meaning they can’t just add 5lbs to the bar every workout anymore. This would mean they’re not a novice/beginner anymore – they’ve moved on to advanced novice, or even intermediate. For most clients under 50, and especially under 40, we would add volume. Meaning we might add more sets, more reps, more training days, more exercises, etc. This can work very well if someone well slept, well fed, well hydrated, and young enough to continue recovering from this training. This is mostly NOT most people 50+… and many trainers don’t understand this, and as a result they start running their 50+ clients into the ground, they stop getting stronger, and start getting injured. We don’t do that!

2 Strategies to Keep Getting Stronger at 50+

Here are two common strategies.

1 Step Forward, 2 Steps Back

In the NLP… let’s say a 50+ client has done the press for 3×5 at 80. Their next workout they try 82, and get 4,3,4. So we repeat it… and they get 3,4,3. And we try it one more time and get the same result. Instead of changing the goal, exercise, adding sets/reps, we would keep the volume/weight the same, but go back 2 weeks of training. So, this client would do their 3×5 at 78, the next week 80, and then be very likely to get all 3×5 at 82 the next week. (This is different than a “reset” – in a reset you go back a few weeks of training and then continue on with the NLP as long as possible). In this way, the client went from setting a PR every week, to every 3 weeks. As you continue to advance and get stronger, PRs happen less often. This is a signal that you are not a novice anymore. In continuing that strategy, after getting 82, the client would go back to 80. Then next week, repeat 82, and then the week after get 84. This could work for many months before another strategy needs to be tried.

The 3-5-3-5 Method

This is a complicated way of saying we will do fewer reps 1 week, and then increase them on week 2, and then continue that pattern. Take the same example of the client above – nailed 80 for 3×5, but just can’t get 82 for all 3×5. We could have them go for 3×3 – 2 fewer reps per set. In this example, the client would be able to complete 82 for 3×3. The next week, they would be more likely to do 3×5. If they get 3×5 at 82, then the next week they would try 84 for 3×3. Then, they would repeat 84 for 3×5. This way, the client is doing the minimum amount of volume (sets/reps) needed to recover. Many, many times this keeps the progression of getting stronger and gaining muscle going on for months longer than just continuing to add weight, or adding sets/reps to try and make up for it.

Does this work for women?

These strategies will work for everyone when applied correctly. Level of training advancement, age, genetics, ability to recover, etc are all factors that should be taken into consideration.

If you want to get strong, gain muscle, lose body fat, and have a really intelligent program made for you so you can get optimal results in North Hollywood, Sherman Oaks, Studio City, Valley Glen, Valley Village or surrounding area… Come to Spark Fitness! Book a free consultation to learn more!

Coach Connor

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Find me on instagram @connorgreen3000 and the gym @sparkfitnessla

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