
Personal Training
The Novice Linear Progression, otherwise known as “The NLP”, is the process of adding weight to your lifts each time you train. A novice is a “beginner”. In practical terms, doing the NLP means adding 5lbs to your lifts for as long as you can, as frequently as you can. (Note: 5lbs is appropriate for...
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Over the years, I’ve come up with a simple rule for determining if you should prioritize sleep vs training. In this article I’m going to breakdown a few very common scenarios. Use this as a guide! Case #1: You don’t work out at all. You need to get up and workout. Not sleeping enough is...
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Over the years, I’ve changed my mind on numerous topics. Back when I was a 23 freshly minted gym owner, I had some opinions. After 8 years of gym ownership having trained thousands of people from all walks of life, undergone my own personal transformation, and did a lot of reading and careful reflection… I’ve...
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Hello there! It’s your neighborhood personal training gym, Spark Fitness. I’m Connor and I own the place. Today I’m going to write briefly about how we help ladies – or anyone – grow their glutes in a strength training and personal training setting. Glute Activation. This is a crucial part to training your glutes that...
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This is a continuation of our last article about strength training for men 50+. You can catch up on that one here. In this quick article we’re going to detail a couple proven strategies for continuing to get strong after 50, and after the standard Novice Linear Progression stops working. Novice Linear Progression Quick review...
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This is a question I get all the time. As always, I’m going to answer it in the most digestible, concrete way possible. (If you’re new here: What is Strength Training? What is Strength Training? 2.0) Regardless of age, height, weight, experience… Men: 135lb press, 225lb bench press, 315lb squat, 405lb deadlift. Women: 80lb press,...
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In this article, I’m going to write about a few things. First, what you should do different if you are a man that is 50+ vs other ages, and how we do exactly those things at Spark Fitness in North Hollywood. You should come away with a few great nuggets of info on how to...
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In this article I’m going to share how personal training at Spark Fitness in North Hollywood will help women that want to gain muscle do so safely, and quickly! First – if you want to gain muscle there is only one way to do so, and that’s strength training. Read about it here and here....
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You might be wondering, is personal training worth it? Or should I do large group classes? Well, as you make your decision here are 6 reasons why personal training is worth the additional investment! Individualization. Personal training allows for the highest degree of customization possible when you training. A great trainer writes you a program...
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Hiring a personal trainer is a big deal… and information overload doesn’t make it any easier to hire someone. For that reason, we created a short guide to Red/Green Flags to look for when considering hiring a personal trainer. Green Flags They don’t have “personal” relationships with the clients. It’s EXTREMELY common for trainers to...
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