
I’m sick of health/fitness topics being so complicated. I’m sick of it because they don’t have to be complicated. At Spark Fitness, we’re on a mission to make health/fitness topics exceptionally easy to understand. Without further ado… What is Strength Training? Strength Training is the process of getting stronger. What is Strength? Strength is the ability to produce force against something. How do you Measure Strength? You measure strength by how much weight you can lift, push, or pull. How do you Get Stronger? By increasing the weight you use when you workout by a little bit each time you workout. (Yes, you have to go up weight. Learn more about that here. How do I know I got Stronger? You know you got stronger when you can lift, push, or pull more weight than you could before. What Exercises are Best for Strength Training? The most important: Back Squat,...
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I’m going to get right into this, and because we focus on Strength Training… I’ll use it as the first example… If you ask 100 trainers what Strength Training is, you will probably get 100 different answers. If you ask google, God help you. Strength Training is made out to be this super complicated idea – something that you need to travel thousands of miles and years until you find the magical Strength Training Wizard’s cave – where they can impart their wisdom and finally answer… What is Strength Training? If you want to know what it is, in simple terms… check out this blog. I’m not saying it here because this isn’t about definitions of Strength Training, it’s about why does all of this shit end up so damn complicated… The Answer. The answer is pretty straight forward: those in the fitness industry don’t want it to be simple...
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Hello there. I’m Connor. I own and operate Spark Fitness. We focus on strength training. We help you get strong, lose body fat, and get out of pain by getting really good at the basics. Here’s my main message to you today: strength training is irreplaceable. There is nothing you can do that gives the benefits that strength training does. Before I go too far – let’s talk about what strength training is… Strength training is lifting progressively heavier weights over time, primarily in the squat, deadlift, bench press, and press. And… what is strength? It is the ability to produce force against something. The more force you can produce, the more weight you can lift, and the visa versa: lifting more weight than last time – or that you ever have – proves that you are producing more force and got stronger. Strength training is the only way you...
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Greetings from North Hollywood! Do you want to workout at 5am? I mean, who doesn’t want to be that person. Up and at it – crushing a hard morning workout and then crushing the rest of the day? Obviously not everyone. Some people just admit it’s not their thing. And to be honest, it’s not my thing either. But, if I had to, I would, and sometimes… you might have to. Let me illustrate something I see all time… Person A walks into the gym. Signs up, and they’re joining the 5am Crew. #dedication. Then, they make three 5am sessions, and they vanish. I’ve followed up with people in this position and overwhelmingly heard something like, “It felt great, but I was just too tired”… Person B walks into the gym. Signs up, and they’re joining the 5am Crew. #dedication. Then they make the 5am every day for 6 years....
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As a gym owner, this is something I’ve had to ask myself. Generally, on a culture level, we “trust the experts”. It just makes sense, right? If you’re very sick, you see a doctor. If you have a business, you get an accountant. If you’re going on trial, you hire a lawyer. If you’re building a house, you hire a contractor that specializes in building houses. If you’re child needs help with Chinese, you hire a Chinese tutor. If you’re building a software, you hire a software engineer. If you need a new engine, you go to a mechanic. If you want to lose weight, you go to google, read a bunch of nonsense, and then with zero experience go do dangerous movements in an open gym with zero help. We’re trying to change that. If you want to lose weight, get strong, get out of pain – whatever your...
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