At Spark Fitness, we go above and beyond.

We track attendance.

We track results.

We provide personalized support and feedback.

We send real (read: not auto) text messages to check in.

We show up to support your vocational ambitions outside of the gym.

We get to know you and your family and your friends.

We support improving your habits outside of the gym.

We are always good influences.

We are empathic and listen.

We push you where appropriate.

We hold you back when you need it.

We tell you what you need to hear.

We care more about your success than you do.

We constantly share reliable info that works.

We meet with you on a regular basis to measure your progress and check in on your goals.

We change lives.

We save lives.

We enhance lives.

We do more than you think.

We do much more than “Globo Gym USA”.

We help people lose weight.

We help you get stronger.

We help you get more flexible.

We help you even in your 40s, 50s, and 60s+.

We help you feel younger.

We keep you safe.

We need to help people.

And we do.


1) Book an appointment with me here. OR

2) Shoot an email to [email protected]

3) Connect with me on instagram @connorgreen3000 or @parksidecrossfit