
Hello internet! Connor, Owner of Spark Fitness here…. ‍A thought entered my mind today, and I wanted to expand on it. ‍This is the thought: “The most important thing you can do in the gym is to show up.” ‍That’s it. ‍It’s not supplements, or intensity, or muscle confusion. It is literally just going. ‍Being successful in the gym is as simple as doing the minimum amount over a long period of time. ‍Think about that again: doing the minimum over a long period of time. That is the key to success. Anything above the minimum is a bonus! ‍The key is not 6 times a week for 2 hours a day… for 6 weeks and then nothing. ‍You can’t make up for lost time, and that’s what many people try to do, and they almost always fail. (Can’t actually think of someone who did that successfully). ‍You are much,...
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Hello world!! ‍It’s me. Connor Green again. Owner of Spark Fitness. We are starting a new milestone process at the gym! Check ins are tracked by our system at the gym. This is one way we help keep people accountable and see how we can help improve their fitness and overall health. Knowing for a fact how often you train is crucial! I’ve asked people before if they are 100% positive they check in (yes), and how often they think they attend and heard 3-4, when in fact the data says 1! That is a huge piece of information. Sometimes losing weight and gaining muscle is as simple as attending class more! I’ve literally seen people get no results for months, be confronted in a VERY friendly way that they only attend 1x/week, bump up to 3x and then get amazing results… SO NOW… Everyone will receive a little personalized...
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How sore should I be? This is a question we hear all the time… ‍The answer is, not nearly as much as you think. For some reason it’s extremely popular to think that you need to be painfully sore to make progress in the gym.  And it’s not true. You actually don’t need to be sore at all. Although, most people will probably be best served being lightly to moderately sore.  If you are getting so sore it hurts, you’re doing it wrong. It’s not sustainable.  Outside of maybe starting something new for the first time, or first time in a long time, you should never be painfully sore.  It’s your body telling you that something is wrong.  And we’ve been told enough times over and over and over that soreness is a good thing that you might start to convince yourself you like it. Imagine that. Pain in almost...
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Connor here – owner of Spark Fitness. This is a question I get all the time.  People almost always seem to think if they can’t do 2 a days for 2 hours a session then they are just waisting their time.  Or if they can’t go 5 days per week, then they’ll be waisting their time. And that’s not true.  In fact, if you go from 0 hours of exercise per week to 3, your chances of dying from “All Cause Mortality” – that is, EVERYTHING – go down 50%. 50% less likely to die in your day to day life by working out 3 hours per week. Imagine the impact that has overtime. You might not get your dream body that way, but that still sounds pretty freaking amazing to me. This is why we ALWAYS say, “something is better than nothing”. We have clients that have to show up...
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What is a “Free Intro”? ‍A Free Intro is a quick, no obligation introduction to our gym. You meet one-one with the General Manager or Owner of the location. We have you fill out an intake form detailing your goals, injury history, athletic history, brief medical history, and ultimately it helps us figure out what program will be best for you! When we get a complete picture of what you are trying to accomplish, we make a program recommendation. ‍If we don’t have a program that will get you to your goals, then there is no obligation. If the program fits, then we sign you up and start the client onboarding process. ‍Generally this process takes no longer than 30 minutes. ‍Why Should You Book One? ‍Simply, it is the best way for you to start a new fitness journey! It is far superior to a “free trial” because it...
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