
I want to illustrate an EXTREMELY IMPORTANT, SERIOUSLY OVERLOOKED AND MISUNDERSTOOD principal of training and getting results in the gym… That principal is Progressive Overload. It is TRULY the 9th wonder of the world behind compound interest.  My definition of “Progressive Overload” is making an exercise a little bit harder in small increments as frequently as possible, and for as long as possible –  and it is the KEY OF ALL KEYS to building muscle, and improving in the gym… Improving has nothing to do with how sore you are, how exhausted you feel, or how much someone kicked your ass… It has EVERYTHING to do with your ability to progressively overload… It is the most common reason people work hard in the gym and don’t get results. We’ve all been there or know someone that has been there – 2+ hours in the gym, 2x/day, 7 days per week...
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Do you have time to train between the hours of 10:00am and 4:00pm during the day? If that’s you, we’d love to have you at the gym! Here’s how it works: You schedule a Free Intro here. We take baseline measurements and set some goals. We give you a personalized nutrition/lifestyle prescription. We write you a completely custom program, and pair you with a coach that will train you. Then, we schedule your sessions on a weekly basis, and keep you accountable to attending. You get awesome results, fast. Some benefits: You are guaranteed to not plateau. This is all we do, and we’re really good at it! We can help you relief aches, pains, or rehab from past injuries. There will be ZERO fluff to your training – you’ll immediately focus on your specific goals. You’ll spend less time training, and get better results than you would in a...
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Hi People! Connor Green here – owner of Spark Fitness. ‍I have seen way more people be successful in health and fitness doing 1x/week than I have 6x/week.  ‍This is what happens 99.9% of the time… Person A thinks: “I’m going to make up for lost time. More is better. I’m going to absolutely crush this. 6x/week it is!” What happens: MAYBE a maximum of 2-3 weeks of this happens. Then, nothing. Complete fall off until “next year”. Net outcome 1 year later: zero progress. Person B thinks: “Something is always better than nothing. I’m going to be consistent. If I don’t quit, I can’t lose”.  What happens: MAYBE a maximum of 2 months goes by. Then, this client starts coming 2x/week. A few more months goes by. Then, person B is making is 3x/week, and maybe even finds the time for 4. Net outcome 1 year later: transformation.  Take...
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Hey there, ‍Back pain is something that almost everyone has in one way or another. It is really part of being human. In this little article I’m going to cover a few of the reasons your lower back might hurt and what to do about it. You have a weak lower back. There is nothing more painful to a lower back than being weak. Yes – you want a strong lower back. This is crucial asset to a happy and fit life.  You need to, however, learn to recognize when it is pain vs soreness – keeping in mind the soreness should only ever be moderate. If you have a particularly weak lower back, it’s going to get very sore at first. You fix this by squatting and deadlifting with proper form and adding 100+lbs to each lift. Your form is inefficient. You can have safe technique, but that doesn’t...
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It’s LA. It’s July. It’s hot.  We have insulation, fans and lots of water, but… it is still going to feel hot, and… guess what… While it’s not everyone’s favorite time of year to workout, there are significant benefits to working out in the heat! Here are just a few: 1. Working out in the heat causes the body to lower its resting body temperature. The body normally produces a large amount of heat just to keep warm; heat training causes it to adapt by producing less heat. ‍2. It causes your body to increase it’s sweat rate. Heat-trained athletes may sweat 50 percent more than other athletes, or three times as much as amateur trainees. Heat-trained athletes also start sweating earlier, so that the body preemptively cools itself rather than waiting until it starts to become too hot. ‍3. Working out in the heat causes your body to raise...
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