
What is a “Free Intro”? ‍A Free Intro is a quick, no obligation introduction to our gym. You meet one-one with the General Manager or Owner of the location. We have you fill out an intake form detailing your goals, injury history, athletic history, brief medical history, and ultimately it helps us figure out what program will be best for you! When we get a complete picture of what you are trying to accomplish, we make a program recommendation. ‍If we don’t have a program that will get you to your goals, then there is no obligation. If the program fits, then we sign you up and start the client onboarding process. ‍Generally this process takes no longer than 30 minutes. ‍Why Should You Book One? ‍Simply, it is the best way for you to start a new fitness journey! It is far superior to a “free trial” because it...
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At Spark Fitness, we go above and beyond. We track attendance. We track results. We provide personalized support and feedback. We send real (read: not auto) text messages to check in. We show up to support your vocational ambitions outside of the gym. We get to know you and your family and your friends. We support improving your habits outside of the gym. We are always good influences. We are empathic and listen. We push you where appropriate. We hold you back when you need it. We tell you what you need to hear. We care more about your success than you do. We constantly share reliable info that works. We meet with you on a regular basis to measure your progress and check in on your goals. We change lives. We save lives. We enhance lives. We do more than you think. We do much more than “Globo Gym...
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Connor Green here again from Spark Fitness. ‍I was thinking the other day that… ‍The best time to start working out is when you are busy NOT when you have the time. Let me tell you a brief, tiny, little story… Person comes to the gym because “work slowed down” or “they have more time.” They do great. Things are amazing. Work picks back up. They have less time. They go back to where they were almost immediately – or they regress farther than they did before. Then, work gets slower. They go back to the gym. Rinse and repeat, 3, 4, 5 + times. As you can see that doesn’t work well. I admire the attitude to get back into the gym. But deep down what this core belief says, whether it is conscious or subconscious: “fit people have more time than I do”. I always like to ask,...
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This last Sunday, May 14th, Coach Keenan hosted the first “Sunday Funday” at 9am at 14201 Huston St, Sherman Oaks, CA 91423, a local park. I guess you could say, we are returning to the Park Side… ha ha. This is going to be a weekly weekend hangout for members – we’ll do some non-gym related physical activity (or, bring your lawn chairs and beers and you can just hang out!) Friends and family members are more than welcome! Parkside member Cindy brought a friend and her son – the more the merrier! Hopefully we’ll see you there next week! ‍-Connor ‍When you’re ready to work together, we have options: ‍1) Book an appointment with me here. OR 2) Shoot an email to [email protected] 3) Connect with me on instagram @connorgreen3000 or @parksidecrossfit
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Connor Green here. Owner of Spark Fitness with your daily dose of…things you need to know!! (You can learn more about me here.) ‍If I had a dollar for every time someone told me they needed to start going to the gym before they go to CrossFit… I’d have way more than a few dollars. Firstly, that’s not true. You don’t need to be in shape before you start CrossFit. Come exactly as you are. Now, I totally believe that many people that believe you have to be in shape to start have probably had a bad experience at a CrossFit gym before. Picture it: you are just starting. You go and try a class. No one knows a thing about your background. So the “coach” pushes you throughout the workout. You barely make it – but maybe it felt good to work that hard. But then… the next day. You’re...
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